Seasonal Changes

It happens in subtle ways, but it is becoming more obvious that summer is over. It gets dark earlier. The temperatures are (finally) cooling down. (Although if there’s anyone here from the Southern hemisphere, it’s the opposite.)

Sometimes those changes bring about changes in creative patterns. Writing about summer things typically turns to writing about winter things. Though, truthfully, it should be the opposite. Not because thinking warm when it’s cold will make you warm (I’m not sure I buy into that, to be honest), but because of the way magazine lead times work.

The changes in light are what affect me the most. Sometimes I suspect I have some degree of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In those times, I tend to be less productive. I have come to expect it.

This year, however, I expect to fight it. I want – and need – to stay productive if I want to finish the year strong. And I do! If I don’t, I won’t finish out the plans I have laid out. Those plans will give me a strong footing for next year to start. So, seasonal changes or not, I need to keep on keeping on. And I will.

What about you? How do seasonal changes affect you, if they do?

Author: jencnipps

I am a writer/speaker/fiber artist based in south-central Oklahoma.

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